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Rethink Healthcare

Healthcare Hackathon Mainz 2023

Every year at the Healthcare Hackathon, various hospitals and medical (technology) companies meet enthusiastic people from different fields, such as IT and design, to “rethink healthcare” in interdisciplinary teams and “work together on creative solutions for the healthcare of tomorrow”.

I also traveled to Mainz to share the knowledge I had gained from my studies and internships in medical technology. Together with employees from KPMG and SAS, we spent a weekend developing an optimized dashboard for infusions in hospitals.


After a short briefing about the idea and the current state of development, we got to work on building an initial information architecture, which we later used as the basis for our wireframes and screens.


Collected ideas of dashboards in medical context for inspiration. Also we developed an Stylesheet and decided for colors that we wanted to use in our dashboard.

UI Design
Patient Overview

In the overview, the doctor on duty can see all patients at a glance. According to the traffic light system, patients with conspicuous or even alarming vital signs are displayed at the top and in red (or with a yellow dot). If there is an acute need for action on the patient's part, this is marked directly so that he can quickly see where he needs to intervene.

However, he can also search or filter the list as required and on the right-hand side he has an overview of his to-do's.

Detailed view of the patient

The detailed view shows the doctor all the important information about the patient. In addition to master data such as name, age, gender, blood group, allergies, ... he can also see the current vital parameters, as well as a history of how these have developed over the last few hours. If there is an acute need for action on the patient's part, this is marked directly so that he can quickly see where he needs to intervene.

He also has access to the latest doctor's letters, image data (such as MRI, X-rays, etc.) and all other documents relevant to him (blood count, medical records, past diagnoses, medical history, etc.).

Michael Leben [Arzt bei der Charitè Berlin]
Jasmin Bäumler [IT/ Backend]
Sophie Rothweiler [UI Design]
Mirjam Höchst [Service Design]
Vanessa Stöckel [Service Design, UI Design]





1 weekend